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Archive for the ‘Software’ Category

BlueFur Phish Phinder

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

BlueFur Phish Phinder has been released! Phish Phinder is an Outlook Plugin to reveal the URL on Links in messages. So, all links have the URL of them in brackets to the right of them. So, the point of it is, is you received a legit looking email, you’d be able to quickly see if it’s a fake or it’s the real deal. Useful for all those fake Paypal emails going around.

Here’s a screenshot of what it would look like:

BlueFur Phish Phinder Screenshot

So, it would essentially look like this:

Go to Matt’s Blog (!

It also supports a Whitelist. So, you can go and edit a file and add email addresses you trust, so that emails from them won’t have the URLs beside the Links. One downside of the Plugin is that it can break the layout of emails/Newsletters, so the Whitelist is a great feature.

The Plugin works on Outlook 2000, 2003 and 2007 (I tested it in Beta stages with Outlook 2007 and Vista), and works on both POP3 and IMAP.

It’s also good to note that this will not apply to out going emails, it only applies when viewing your messages.

Phish Phinder will be free for everyone for 6 Months, and after that BlueFur will consider charging a nominal fee for non-BlueFur customers.

So, if you use Outlook, and you get a lot of SPAM (who doesn’t 😛 ), and you’re worried about Phishing, check out the Phish Phinder Plugin for Outlook.

IE Virtual PC Update

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

The IETeam has released an update for the IE VPC Image. The image is a copy of Windows XP SP2 with IE6. The image no longer come with Windows Genuine Advantage, since people were getting “Your copy of Windows may be Pirated” (or w/e the error is). This is because the keys for the images are deactivated, so as to prevent people from just taking the keys from the image’s Windows, and entering it into a normal copy of XP.

They have also made a VPC Image with IE7. So, now you can test IE7 on Windows XP SP2 if you can’t upgrade from IE6, or you’re on Vista, or something. So, this is pretty cool.

Both of these images expire on August 17, 2007.

Download Virtual PC 2007
Download Virtual PC Image with Windows XP SP2 and IE6 or IE7

WordPress 2.1.3 and WordPress 2.0.10

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

WordPressWordPress 2.1.3 and WordPress 2.0.10 have been released! These releases include various security and bug fixes, so upgrade soon. Also, don’t forget, WordPress 2.2 is set to be released on April 23, 2007! So, keep an eye out for that.

I’ve upgraded, have you?

New IE6 Virtual PC Image

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Since the original IE6 VPC Image is set to expire on April 1, 2007, the IE Team have released a new version. This new version (1.1) includes some security updates and is time-bombed for July 23, 2007. They say they’ll keep releasing these VPC Image’s until they see that they are no longer necessary. They’re a good way to see what your site looks like in IE6, if you have IE7 installed. Also, Virtual PC 2007 is out, so you can use that now instead of 2004.

Download Virtual PC 2007 (about 30MBs)
Download the IE6 Virtual PC Image (WARNING: about 400MBs)

Urgent: WordPress 2.1.2 Released. Upgrade Now!

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

WordPress 2.1.2 has been released due to a security exploit found in the download for 2.1.1. Someone hacked into a server, and modified a few files in the WP 2.1.1 download and added some malicious PHP code to them. So, if you’re running 2.1.1, upgrade immediately, your Site/Blog might be at risk!

I’ve upgraded, now you should! 😛