Matt's Blog

New IE6 Virtual PC Image

March 22nd, 2007 at 11:52 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Since the original IE6 VPC Image is set to expire on April 1, 2007, the IE Team have released a new version. This new version (1.1) includes some security updates and is time-bombed for July 23, 2007. They say they’ll keep releasing these VPC Image’s until they see that they are no longer necessary. They’re a good way to see what your site looks like in IE6, if you have IE7 installed. Also, Virtual PC 2007 is out, so you can use that now instead of 2004.

Download Virtual PC 2007 (about 30MBs)
Download the IE6 Virtual PC Image (WARNING: about 400MBs)

One Response to “New IE6 Virtual PC Image”

  1. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Run IE7 and IE6 on the Same Computer for FREE
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Run IE7 and IE6 on the Same Computer for FREE says:

    […] of Virtual PC and a new VPC Image. I’ve updated the links here for the new downloads. See my new post on […]

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