IE Virtual PC Update
April 18th, 2007 at 5:44 PM (17 years ago) by Matt FreedmanThe IETeam has released an update for the IE VPC Image. The image is a copy of Windows XP SP2 with IE6. The image no longer come with Windows Genuine Advantage, since people were getting “Your copy of Windows may be Pirated” (or w/e the error is). This is because the keys for the images are deactivated, so as to prevent people from just taking the keys from the image’s Windows, and entering it into a normal copy of XP.
They have also made a VPC Image with IE7. So, now you can test IE7 on Windows XP SP2 if you can’t upgrade from IE6, or you’re on Vista, or something. So, this is pretty cool.
Both of these images expire on August 17, 2007.
Download Virtual PC 2007
Download Virtual PC Image with Windows XP SP2 and IE6 or IE7
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