Matt's Blog

Another 2GBs and a Fan

March 19th, 2008 at 9:12 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Yesterday, I posted about my new computer, and today I decided to add to it a bit. I went to NCIX and bought another set of OCZ Gold 2x1GB RAM and an Antec Tricool 120MM Blue LED Fan (pretty much the same as the ones that come with my case). Which means my computer is now rocking 4GBs of RAM. It seems to start faster now, and is overall a bit speedier. Obviously I can run a lot more programs at once now. Right now, for example, I’m running my usual programs and a virtual copy of Vista (with a GB of RAM for it) without any slow downs what-so-ever. :)

The fan goes on the left side of the case, with the airflow pointed inward, right at my Video card. The only thing is, Antec only sells these fans with clear bodies, which sorta clashes with the black case and the other black fans. But, I guess it doesn’t matter all that much.

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