Matt's Blog

New Computer

March 18th, 2008 at 4:23 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Back in December/January I built myself a new computer. Not that there was anything wrong with my old computer, I just wanted something more powerful. So, I went to, and order the parts. Here’s what I built my computer with:

The case comes with 3x120MM Antec TriCool Blue LED fans (2 in the front, 1 in the back) and an Antec TriCool 200MM fan (no LEDs) on the top (you can’t even buy 200MM fans!). The power supply is energy efficient, and powers everything just fine. The motherboard has everything I need, and works great. The processor is awesome, and amazingly overclockable (more on this in a sec). The memory is fast, and shiny (literally). The graphics card runs Aero perfectly, and runs Call of Duty 4 well. The hard drive and DVD writer is fast, and work.

This setup is definitely fast, and it managed to completely install Vista Home Premium in about 15 minutes (running stock).

After I installed Vista, I started to overclock the processor a bit, and managed to get it to 3 GHz, stable. It runs at almost the same temperature as when it was stock, since I set all the fans in the case on their highest setting (which also cools down my room, which will be a nice feature in the summer ๐Ÿ˜› ).

Here’s my Windows Experience Index scores:

Windows Experience Index Score

With the exception of the Graphics card, they’re excellent scores.

I also decided to order a 64-bit disc of Vista, which I installed, and have had no problems with. :) Since Microsoft doesn’t sell retail 64-bit versions of Vista, if you own a retail copy of Vista, you can buy just the disc (not a serial number) of the 64-bit version of Vista (it’s around $15 w/ shipping, I think). You can find out more about it here

Here’s some pictures of my computer:

Computer - Left Angle View

Computer - Left Angle View - No Flash

Computer - Front Fans

Computer - Inside

As you can see in the above picture, cable management wasn’t a priority while building this computer. ๐Ÿ˜›

One Response to “New Computer”

  1. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Another 2GBs and a Fan
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Another 2GBs and a Fan says:

    […] 2GBs and a Fan Yesterday, I posted about my new computer, and today I decided to add to it a bit. I went to NCIX and bought another set of OCZ Gold […]

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