Matt's Blog

Switch Back to Technorati Incoming Links

October 11th, 2007 at 11:00 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

When WordPress 2.3 was released, it introduced a change that, most likely, affected every Blogger using WordPress. Whether the change affected the Blogger in a good or bad way, it still happened.

That change I’m talking about is, of course, the Incoming Links section, of your WordPress Dashboard, beginning to use Google Blog Search, instead of Technorati, to get a list of the links. Using Google over Technorati does have it’s advantages. Google is faster and includes links not just from Blogs, but from all sites. However, if you’re a Blogger that’s obsessed with your rankings on all the rankings sites, you might want to see who’s linking to you through Technorati’s eyes, so that you can easily tell when your Technorati rank is improving.

So, for people who want to change the Incoming Links on their Dashboard back to using Technorati, I created a simple WordPress plugin. I called the plugin Technorati Incoming Links. When activated, the plugin will start using Technorati for the Incoming Links instead of Google. If you want to switch back to Google, just deactivate the plugin.

This WordPress plugin requires WordPress 2.3 or higher and is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.

I hope you enjoy the Plugin! šŸ˜€ If you find anything wrong with it, let me know.

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