Matt's Blog

First Contribution to WordPress

May 13th, 2007 at 1:45 AM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

WordPressI have submitted a ticket and patch to WordPress Trac. This is my first contribution to WordPress (other than some of my opinions 😛 ). The patch makes it so that the BrowseHappy (which I disagree with, but that’s a different topic) image only shows on versions of IE lower than 7. It’s quite a simply fix, just adding some conditional comments around a string, but it’s still helpful anyways.

The patch probably isn’t going to make it into WordPress 2.2 (supposed to be released on May 16, 2007; it’s now in RC2), but it should get into 2.3. 😀

One Response to “First Contribution to WordPress”

  1. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » BrowseHappy Logo is Gone in WordPress 2.3
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » BrowseHappy Logo is Gone in WordPress 2.3 says:

    […] good news for you. In WordPress 2.3, that BrowseHappy logo will no longer be there. Last month I wrote about how I submitted a Ticket and Patch to stop the BrowseHappy logo from showing up in IE7. Well, last […]

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