Matt's Blog

1000 SPAM Comments

April 1st, 2007 at 1:01 AM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Akismet Has Blocked 1000 SPAM Comments From Matt's Blog

Yesterday morning This Blog reached the 1000 SPAM Comment mark. That’s right, Akismet has caught over 1000 SPAM Comments on This Blog since I started This Blog (early January, 2007).

One Response to “1000 SPAM Comments”

  1. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Should I Make a New Theme?
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Should I Make a New Theme? says:

    […] plural ), should I make a new Theme for this Blog, or do you like the current one. You can either post a comment on this post with the answer, or (if you don’t have anything else to say but the answer) you […]