Matt's Blog

Run IE7 and IE6 on the Same Computer for FREE

January 4th, 2007 at 12:43 PM (18 years ago) by Matt Freedman

That’s right, you’ve read the title correctly. Microsoft is offering a, supposedly supported, way to run IE7 and IE6 on the same computer, all for free.

Lets start with how you can actually run IE7 and IE6 on the same computer. Sure, you could go all out and start hacking the Windows Registry and IE, but who feels like doing that? Besides, if you screw up, you could be screwed. 😛 Besides, Microsoft won’t give you support if you do this… Now, what does Microsoft recommend? Use Microsoft Virtual PC.

Now, if you know about Virtual PC, you would know that you would need to have 2 separate Windows XP licenses to be able run both IE7 and IE6. Now, nobody wants to go and spend money on another copy of XP just to have the convenience of have both IE7 and IE6 on their computer.

So, what is Microsoft doing about this? If you’re thinking nothing, you’re wrong. The IEBlog has recently announced that they are offering a free image of a valid copy of XP w/ IE6 for use with Virtual PC. But, the image will expire April 1, 2007. Also, now that Microsoft has release Virtual PC 2004 as a free download, this is FREE to do.

Download Virtual PC 2004 Download Virtual PC 2007 (about 20 MBs 30MBs)
Download the VPC Image Download Version 1.1 of the VPC Image(WARNING: about 500 MBs 400MBs 500-700 MBs)

I’ll be trying this out, when the VPC Image actually finishes downloading…

Update [January 4, 2007]: The downloads finished and I installed them. I’ve actually never used Virtual PC before, but it’s pretty cool. As its supposed to, it’s a valid copy of XP SP2 w/ IE6. Funny thing is though, the first time I opened IE6, it went to a page asking me if I wanted to download IE7. 😛 You think they would’ve made it so that a page like that wouldn’t show up, but w/e.

Update [March 23, 2007]: There’s a new version of Virtual PC and a new VPC Image. I’ve updated the links here for the new downloads. See my new post on it.

Update [August 20, 2007]: There’s a new version of the VPC Image out; for both the IE6 and IE7 versions. Check out my new post on it here

2 Responses to “Run IE7 and IE6 on the Same Computer for FREE”

  1. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Virtual PC 2004
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Virtual PC 2004 says:

    […] « Run IE7 and IE6 on the Same Computer for FREE Google Tips Gone […]

  2. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » New IE6 and 7 VPC Packages
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » New IE6 and 7 VPC Packages says:

    […] If you don’t know about these, they’re Virtual PC “images” of Windows XP SP2 with either Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7 installed. They’re great for cross-browser/Windows version testing purposes. You can see my previous post on them here. […]

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