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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

New Google Analytics Tracking Code

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

Google AnalyticsIt appears that Google Analytics now has a new tracking code. I went to add a new site into Analytics today, and I noticed that the tracking code was different. I know it just happened today, because yesterday I also added a site. So far, there’s been no word from Google on this tracking code update.

When you go to where your tracking code is displayed, there are now two “tabs”, one called “New Tracking Code (ga.js)”, and the other called “Legacy Tracking Code (urchin.js)”. The new code now uses a different JavaScript file (on Google’s side) to track your site. Obviously, the old code will continue to work.

For reference, here’s what the old code looked like:

<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-1138117-1";

…And here’s what the new code looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write("\<script src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'>\<\/script>" );
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-1138117-1");

What it appears to do differently is (other than using a different JS file, and different variables and functions) determine if the current page is using a SSL certificate (https://), and, if so, it will get the JS file from Google through a secure site, otherwise it’ll just get the file normally. The reason behind this is, most likely, so that when a user goes to the site, any alerts saying that some parts of the site are insecure, won’t be because of the Analytics tracking file.

Right above the tracking code, it says this:

Use this tracking code to gain access to a wide range of exciting new features as they become available.

…And above the legacy tracking code:

Refer to this tracking code if your site already has urchin.js installed. Please note that urchin.js will not receive feature updates and is not compatible with new features.

So, using the new code, or updating your currently tracked sites, will be beneficial. I wonder what new features are coming…

It appears to also be okay to update your current code with the new one:

Note: We recommend that you do not include both tracking code snippets together on any given page. Doing so might generate inaccurate report data. You can, however, migrate select pages of your site to the new tracking code while the legacy code remains on others.

To find the new code for one of your sites, head over to the list of your Analytics tracked sites, click edit beside it, and then click “Check Status” beside the checkmark and “Receiving Data”.

Well, I guess I’m going to start updating my Analytics tracked sites to use the new code (I just added two sites yesterday, too)…

Update [December 13, 2007 at 8:45 PM]: Google’s got a post on it over at the Analytics blog.

New Gmail Feature, Colourised Labels

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

GmailIt looks like Gmail has another new feature. I just logged into my Gmail account (after having to force-close my browser, after it stopped responding), and I noticed something different about the Labels panel in the sidebar. On the right side of the panel, were these little rounded-corner squares on each line of a Label.

Label Panel

Upon hovering over the little square, it changes to a green, downward-facing arrow.

Square Hover

When you click on the little square, a little box appears beside the square you click on, showing 24 little boxes that contains a different colour and a letter “a” with a similar colour. Under those little squares, is 2 links, “Remove color” and “Edit name”.

Colour Picker

So, what does all this mean? Well, you can know colourise your labels! Once you choose a colour, the little square beside the label name becomes that colour, and when viewing a email that’s labeled, the label name beside the subject will have the background colour of that label’s colour. Also, when in your Inbox, the label name in front of the subject will also be colourised.

Colourised Label

Colourised Label Beside Email Subject

Inbox Colourised Label

On the Labels page under Settings, the labels are not represented by their colour.

Gmail has called this new feature “colored labels”, and has added it to the what’s new page.

I think Colourised (or Coloured, w/e) Labels is an excellent idea. It’ll help you determine what Label an email is under quicker, because you can just memorise the association of labels and their colour, instead of actually reading the label name. Seems like a pretty sweet feature to me!

AdSense Video Units Now Available in Canada, and Other Countries

Monday, November 19th, 2007

AdSenseThe AdSense team announced today that they’ll be expanding the availability of AdSense Video Units to include Canada, the UK and Ireland. If you don’t know, AdSense Video Units allow AdSense publishers to embed a customizable video player (from YouTube) into their pages that also displays a non-intrusive advertisement. This service was previously only available to AdSense publishers in the US.

They’ve already started slowly rolling these out to publishers now, and in the next few days you’ll see Video Unit in your AdSense account under AdSense Setup.

For more information on AdSense Video units, check this out, and you can see an example of a Video Unit here.

This is pretty sweet, I think I’ll be trying these out, once my AdSense account is enabled to get them. I’ll try to post an example on this post once I can use Video Units.

Gmail Now Has 5 GigaBytes of Storage

Saturday, November 17th, 2007

GmailSometime yesterday or today, Gmail passed the 5 GigaBytes of storage mark. My original estimation was wrong, because Gmail slowed the counter back down, therefore invalidating my calculations. This means that Gmail now, once again, offers more storage than Windows Live Hotmail down. As of writing, Gmail has 5020 MBs of storage. It looks like the counter may have been sped up a bit again, too. Sweet!

Heh, I remember back in 2004 when I was using Hotmail and had 2 MBs of storage. But, now I have the awesome Gmail, and my more than 5 GBs of storage! :)

Daylight Saving Time

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

If you’re in Canada or the United States, don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight. Your computers should automatically change. If you have your cell phone set to network time, it should change to, although you may need to restart it for it to grab the network time again.

If you have a WordPress blog, don’t forget to adjust the time offset for DST. It’s under the section “Date and Time” on the Options page. It’s likely similar for other blogging software to.

Make sure you change every clock, though, otherwise it might screw you up a bit. 😛

At least it won’t be as dark in the mornings anymore. 😀