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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Google AdSense Data to Get Integrated with Analytics

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Google announced today that Google AdSense users will soon be able to have their AdSense data integrated into their Google Analytics account. This is a feature that many people have been waiting for and expecting for quite some time now.

This integration will provide users with more data about user behavior, such as which pages advertisements are clicked on and referring sites. This looks to be very useful data that publishers will be able to use to optimize their earnings. They posted the following video:

Google is currently in the process of rolling out this integration, and you can look for you invitation on your AdSense overview page.

WordPress 2.6.2

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Today WordPress 2.6.2 was released. 2.6.2 includes security and bug fixes and it is recommended that everyone update immediately (especially if you have open registration enabled on your blog). | Download Now

SpotPlex Closed Down

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

SpotPlexSpotPlex, a Digg-like site based on page views instead of voting, has shutdown their site and their hyper bot.

TechCrunch reports that SpotPlex ultimately closed down due to insufficient funding.

I had an account at SpotPlex, and had their widget on this blog. According to my stats, over the time the widget was on my blog, they sent me a whole 2 visitors… Wow… Interestingly, I never received an email from them that they were closing down. I only found out because their widget was no longer displaying, and I went to their site to see if it was down, and I found that they had shutdown. I confirmed with Michael Kwan that he had not received an email from them either. The least they could do would have been to email their users to let them know that they would be closing down, and that they should remove the widget from their blog…

FeedBurner will be Integrated with Google Accounts; White Background to Follow

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

FeedBurner, which was acquired by Google awhile ago, announced today that they would be beginning the integration of FeedBurner with Google Accounts. They said that in the coming weeks, “selected publishers” will be given the option to merge their FeedBurner account with their Google Account. I’ve yet to be presented with this option. 😛

They also mentioned that FeedBurner will start to be integrated into other Google Services, like AdSense. Also that “FeedBurner will start to look and feel more like a set of Google services”. Which can probably be interpreted as getting the “Google style”, a clean design with a lot of white and blue.

Hopefully, FeedBurner will start to be integrated with Google Analytics soon, as that would be extremely convenient. I wonder when the FeedBurner blog will be converted into a Blogger-hosted blog…

Update [April 30, 2008 at 9:18 PM]: I just went to the “Monetize” tab in my FeedBurner account, and saw that I can now associate my FeedBurner account with my AdSense account. Upon doing so, it now allows me to add AdSense advertisements into my Feed. Interesting.

Update 2 [April 30, 2008 at 10:18 PM]: The AdSense part currently only adds the ads to your actual blog (through the general FeedBurner site stat tracking/FeedFlare code), and not into your actual feed. A little deceiving…

iPhone Finally Coming to Canada

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

iPhoneRogers Wireless announced today that they have reached a deal with Apple, and will be bringing the iPhone to Canada “later this year”.

They also said that they couldn’t say anything more about it currently, meaning that we’ll probably be getting the 3G iPhone, which is rumoured for release this June.

It’s definitely about time that the iPhone made it’s way into Canada. We really don’t have any particularly amazing phones here… Rogers currently only carries one phone that features WiFi. It’ll also be interesting to see the kind of plans that will be available for the iPhone. Canada has notoriously expensive data plans, which contrasts the unlimited data plans the iPhone gets elsewhere.

Oh course, quite a few Canadians already have iPhones