Matt's Blog

Twisted PageGetter is… SpotPlex?

January 29th, 2008 at 12:30 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Awhile back, I made a post on a bot called Twisted PageGetter. Twisted PageGetter is a bot that I found while searching through this blog’s access logs, and it was crawling quite often.

Well, two days ago I got a trackback on that post from this post. They seem to have discovered, somehow, that this bot is actually crawling for SpotPlex.

I emailed SpotPlex to confirm this, and, sure enough, it is their bot. I obviously replied suggesting that they change the name of their bot, or put up a page on their site about it.

So, if you currently have Twisted PageGetter blocked, and you’re signed up to SpotPlex, you may want to unblock the eager little bot.

One Response to “Twisted PageGetter is… SpotPlex?”

  1. SpotPlex Closed Down « Matt's Blog
    SpotPlex Closed Down « Matt's Blog says:

    […] SpotPlex, a Digg-like site based on page views instead of voting, has shutdown their site and their hyper bot. […]

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