Matt's Blog

WordPress 2.6 Released

July 14th, 2008 at 9:03 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

WordPressWordPress 2.6 has been released! Some of the new features include:

  • Post Revisions – Think WikiPedia’s History tab, they’re located at the bottom of the Write screen (try comparing a revision to itself, it’s fun 😉 )
  • Press This! – Drag this link (located on the right side of the Write screen) to your bookmarks bar and use it to quickly post something
  • Image Captions
  • Themes Previews
  • Google Gears Support – Allows you to store images and CSS/JavaScript files from the Admin panel locally to speed things up a bit
  • Reorganized Plugin Page – Arranges plugins into the categories of Active, Recently Active or Unactive

It is recommended that everybody using an older version of WordPress to upgrade as soon as possible.

WordPress | Download Now

The WordPress guys made a little tour of WordPress 2.6, which I’ve added below:

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