Matt's Blog

WordPress 2.5

March 29th, 2008 at 7:57 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

WordPressEarlier today, WordPress 2.5 was released. WordPress 2.5 includes some major changes and improvements. Here’s a list of the more important change in 2.5:

  • The Administration area of WordPress received a complete redesign. I’ll let you decide whether you like it or not. 😉
  • The WYSIWYG editor used in WordPress (TinyMCE) was updated to the latest version available.
  • A new Media Manager
  • Better Tag Management
  • Protection from two users editing the same post/page at the same time.
  • Automated Plugin Updating – WordPress now includes functionality to allow you to update plugins to their latest versions with just a few clicks.
  • Better password encryption
  • Lots of backend changes

WordPress 2.5 also ships with two different colour schemes for the Administrator Panel, “Classic” and “Fresh”. You can change the colour scheme in your user profile (click your name in the top-right hand cornor). The default is “Fresh”.

If you have not upgraded already, it is highly recommended that you do. I’ve upgraded already, and everything seems alright.

Download WordPress 2.5

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