Matt's Blog

Poll: What Type of Monitor Do You Use?

February 9th, 2008 at 2:24 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Reader Poll

It’s time for another Reader Poll (although, a day late). You can see the results of last week’s poll here (Windows won, although Linux wasn’t that far behind).

This week’s question is “What Type of Monitor Do You Use?”. Please vote below. If you’re reading this in a Feed Reader, click here to vote.

What's Your Internet's Advertised Download Speed?

  • 6-10 mbps (67%)
  • < 1 mbps (33%)
  • 1-5 mbps (0%)
  • 11-20 mbps (0%)
  • 21-50 mbps (0%)
  • > 50 mbps (0%)

Total Votes: 3

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5 Responses to “Poll: What Type of Monitor Do You Use?”

  1. MIchael
    MIchael says:

    You know that the poll script puts a “go to the site to vote” message in for you?

  2. Matt Freedman
    Matt Freedman says:

    Yes, but it doesn’t add a link.

  3. MIchael
    MIchael says:

    Fair enough, but most feed readers have a view link/shortcut key/whatever and “Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.” is fairly self explanatory. It just looks a bit weird when you have essentially the same sentence repeated twice.

  4. Matt Freedman
    Matt Freedman says:

    But, the link takes you straight to the poll, not to the top of the page.

  5. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Poll: Do You Have a Blog?
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Poll: Do You Have a Blog? says:

    […] You can see the results for last week’s poll here. […]

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