Matt's Blog

Win 300 Entrecard Credits

February 1st, 2008 at 6:15 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

I used to have the Entrecard widget on my blog, but have since removed it. It did bring traffic to my blog, but the traffic was worthless, as the bounce rate was like 99% and the average time visiting was 2 seconds. So, since it was pointless and just slowing down page loading time (well, not significantly, but it wasn’t making it faster, either), I got rid of it.

I have 300 credits in my account, and I’m sure using them to advertise on an Entrecard won’t lead to any increase in real traffic, so I’m giving them away.

If you want 300 Entrecard credits, then post a comment on this post, and I’ll randomly pick a winner on Friday, February 8, 2008 from comments posted before February 8, 2008 at 12:00 AM (PST). When posting a comment, please enter the email address you use for Entrecard in the email address field.

5 Responses to “Win 300 Entrecard Credits”

  1. Scott Pooler -
    Scott Pooler - says:

    The entrecard thing has me intrigued. I agree that the traffic from entrecard users is somewhat useless but the essentially free 125×125 ad spots on popular blogs does have some value.

    If you want to send some ec my way, I will be happy to put them to good use!

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Among others…

  2. Mr. Glenn
    Mr. Glenn says:

    Let me win Sir, I am going to use this Entrecard to promote my site.. in return I am goin to blog about your site in exchange of this entrecards , thanks,

  3. Matt Freedman
    Matt Freedman says:

    Glenn: The winner will be randomly picked, blogging about this (or my site) will not help you win (although I have no objection to you blogging about my blog).

  4. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Winner of the Entrecard Credits Contest
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » Winner of the Entrecard Credits Contest says:

    […] of the Entrecard Credits Contest Just a quick post to say that somebody has won the Entrecard Credits contest. A whole 2 people entered the contest, and generated the winner, “Mr. Glenn” […]

  5. Thanks Matt Freedman
    Thanks Matt Freedman says:

    […] I saw the blog of Matt Freedman.., a 15 year old web developer from CA. He said , He will give a 300 Entrecard credits by just posting a comment on his blog. Just got lucky I win hehe.. Thanks […]

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