Matt's Blog

BlueFur Code

June 19th, 2007 at 3:34 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

BlueFur CodeBlueFur Code has now been officially launched!

BlueFur Code is a Group Programming Project that will develop different kinds of PHP-based software. All programmed by whoever wants to help out. I submitted a great way on how to carry this out. By using Subversion (SVN) and Trac we will be able to actually work as a Group and be able to efficiently and easily manage everything.

The first project that we will be working on is a site scraping RSS Feed producer. Basically, it’ll crawl your site and get the content out of it, and shove the updates into an RSS Feed (I’m sure we’ll add more Feed Publishing Standards, such as Atom). Which visitors of said site can subscribe to, and then get the updates to it in a simple Feed. So, basically, you’ll be able to offer a “Site Updates Feed”.

All the software we make will be Free and Open Source (I’m guessing it’ll be under the GNU General Public License).

I think BlueFur Code is a great concept and hopefully it’ll take off well. I can’t wait to see some progress with the Projects. 😀

The current plan is to allow users to be able to Register on the Trac Project for the project we’re working on, and then they’ll be able to submit tickets, etc without having someone create an account for them, or having anonymous Ticket creation. A test will also be given to determine the contributors PHP/MySQL skill-set level, and Subversion Repository access will be given from there.

If you’d like to help contribute, head over to this BlueFur Code Blog post, and post a comment.

I plan on helping out a lot with the BlueFur Code projects; I’m sure it’ll be fun.

I helped get Trac and Subversion configured and working on BlueFur Code. So, I’ve already started contributing, even before we’ve started working on the Projects. 😀

I’ll be writing up a post later on how to configure Trac and Subversion.

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