Matt's Blog

PageRank Update

April 28th, 2007 at 12:19 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

It appears that Google is doing a PageRank update. This tool says that on 23 of Google’s servers, I have a PageRank of 4. The rest of Google’s servers should be updated with the new PageRank in a couple of days, hopefully.

That’s a pretty big jump, from 0 to 4 in the 4 months I’ve had this Blog up and running. 😀

Maybe now that I’m getting a higher PageRank, I’ll get accepted into sites like Text Link Ads and ReviewMe.

One Response to “PageRank Update”

  1. Jay Harper
    Jay Harper says:


    Your site was probably too new to get a PageRank in the last update, and getting a 4 within 4 months is quite good.

    Yahoo! says you’ve gotten 1722 backlinks… It seems you’ve been a busy boy…

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