Matt's Blog

Philips Buys DLO

April 13th, 2007 at 7:50 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Philips, which you probably heard of before, announced today that they have bought DLO (Digital Lifestyle Outfitters), most known for their DLO HomeDock and it’s other iPod accessories.

The deal will be finalized by the second quarter, and DLO is supposed to become part of Philips Accessories line. Whether that means DLO will cease to exist under their current name, or under Philips’ name, isn’t known, yet.

DLO is best known for it’s iPod accessories, but they also make Zune and other MP3 Players. DLO is best known for the “DLO HomeDock Deluxe”, which allows you to put your iPod on the Dock, and hock the Dock up to your TV, and then you can watch your Movies, Podcasts, etc on your TV, which the included remote and on-TV Interface.

I haven’t ever used a DLO product, but I hear they’re good. Plus, they’re advertised a lot on Photoshop TV.

Source: CrunchGear. Original Article.

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