Matt's Blog

Back Up to Speed

March 29th, 2007 at 7:56 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

I installed a WordPress Plugin about a week ago that required me to turn off GZIP Compression for this Blog. But I didn’t really like the Plugin, so I disabled it, but forgot to turn GZIP back on. Then I was noticing that this Blog was loading really slowly. Well, I thought to myself, there are 2 videos and more image then usually on the front page, that must be it. But, when I came over here today and noticed it took 5 seconds to process the page, I knew something was wrong. So, I went into the Options and decided to try to lower the amount of Posts shown on the front page. Then, I saw it, sitting unchecked staring at me was the GZIP option. Then it hit me, my Blog was loading so slowly because I never turned GZIP back on.

I never really knew that GZIP made such a difference to loading times. So, if your Blog, Forum, Site or whatever is loading slowly, go enable GZIP, you’ll be glad you did.

So, now I have GZIP enabled and the Blog’s loading at it’s average rate of about 0.200 seconds.

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