Matt's Blog

MonsterHosting.Ca is now BlueFur.Com

January 27th, 2007 at 4:51 PM (18 years ago) by Matt Freedman


MonsterHosting.Ca has decided to change their name to BlueFur.Com because of trademark infringement allegations.

They decided that it would be a lot simpler (and cost affective) to simply change their name to BlueFur then to go to court and spend thousands of dollars defending a name that they don’t even know if they’ll be able to keep. Basically, all they have to spend is the money for all the new domain. Much cheaper then legal fees, for sure.

Of course, they can’t reveal the company who brought the allegations forward, but they have said that it’s a US company with deep pockets.

They already have BlueFur.Com up and running. Plus, they have changed their “slogan” underneath the name in the top banner from “Web Hosting Made Easy” to “Experience the Legend”. Plus, they have added Colocation Services and gotten rid of VPS Hosting from the menus.

I think that BlueFur is a pretty sweet name and I hope they will improve their service even more under it.

One Response to “MonsterHosting.Ca is now BlueFur.Com”

  1. Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » BlueFur Name Review
    Matt’s Blog » Blog Archive » BlueFur Name Review says:

    […] onto my previous post on BlueFur.Com, I’m going to review the name BlueFur (partly because they’re offering a free domain to […]

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