Matt's Blog

Plugin: Twitter Links

November 16th, 2008 at 1:31 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

A couple of days ago, I released another WordPress plugin called Twitter Links. What this plugin does is search comments of posts for any mentions of Twitter usernames (in the form of “@mattfreedman”) and then replaces them with a link to the mentioned username’s profile page. It will first check to see if the user actually exists on Twitter.

As this plugin checks Twitter for every username it finds, I strongly recommend using a caching plugin (such as WP Super Cache) with this plugin. Which will both help ease the load on Twitter’s servers, and also speed up your page load times.

This plugin requires cURL to be installed on your server, and has only been tested with PHP 5.2.x. It is available to download here.

One Response to “Plugin: Twitter Links”

  1. WordPress Wednesdays: Twitter Links |
    WordPress Wednesdays: Twitter Links | says:

    […] can find more information about Twitter Links on Matt’s blog and you can download it […]

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