Matt's Blog

WordPress for iPhone

July 22nd, 2008 at 1:12 PM (16 years ago) by Matt Freedman

WordPress for iPhoneToday, the WordPress app for the iPhone was released. I just installed this App, and it appears to work well. It’s defiantly useful if you’re away from your computer a lot, but still want to blog regularly (however, typing a long blog post on an iPhone might be a little tiresome). If you’re going to use the App, make sure that XML-RPC Publishing is enabled in your blog under Settings > Writing (the App will tell you if it isn’t). WordPress for iPhone is free from the iTunes App Store and requires iPhone firmware version 2.0 and works on the iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch. You need WordPress 2.5.1 or higher or a account. Here’s some screenshots of the WordPress iPhone App (click for larger view):

WordPress for iPhone | Download Now (opens in iTunes)

Here’s a video the WordPress guys made about WordPress for iPhone:

2 Responses to “WordPress for iPhone”

  1. iphone wallpaper
    iphone wallpaper says:

    i just installed it too and quite like it. Got lots of room to grow though

  2. Gary Jones ::
    Gary Jones :: says:

    Have you noticed that weird twitter post glitch that the WordPress App does?

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