Matt's Blog

Archive for January, 2008

Matt’s Blog is 1 Year Old!

Friday, January 11th, 2008

This blog turned 1 year old on January 2nd. A combination of forgetting, remembering again, laziness and going back to school is to blame for this late post. 😛

You can see this blog’s complete statistics for 2007 (starting January 2, 2007) over on the Statistics page.

Hopefully another great year shall follow!

WordPress 2.3.2 Released, WordPress 2.4 Delayed

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

WordPressA couple of days ago, the WordPress team announced that WordPress 2.3.2 was released. This release contains security and bug fixes, so upgrade ASAP.

Download WordPress 2.3.2.

Also, Matt Mullenweg (founder of WordPress) just announced on the wp-hackers mailing list, that WordPress 2.4 would be delayed until early-March (it was previously set to be released on January 24, 2008), because of big changes happening throughout WordPress (new Admin panel, etc). They’ll also be skipping the version 2.4, and it’ll become WordPress 2.5. It’s definitely better to have a great release later, than a rushed release sooner!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

Just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year!

Hello, 2008!