Matt's Blog

Matt’s Blog Now on FeedBurner

July 15th, 2007 at 7:01 PM (17 years ago) by Matt Freedman

FeedBurnerI have decided to switch to FeedBurner (now owned by Google) for the Matt’s Blog Feed. If you currently subscribe to the Feed (except the Comments Feed, that one’s staying) you shouldn’t notice anything different. I’ve made it so that all the Feed URL’s get redirected to the new Feed, at:

Your Feed Reader should catch on (since it’s a Permanent Redirect) and update the URL it’s grabbing the Feed from (not that it’ll make a difference, they’ll get the FeedBurner Feed regardless).

I mainly made this switch so that I could see some Statistics on the Feed. Like how many people are subscribed to it.

Contact me if you experience any problems with the feed.

One Response to “Matt’s Blog Now on FeedBurner”

  1. bob
    bob says:

    wV1FYB hi great site thx

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