Matt's Blog

Matt’s Blog

January 2nd, 2007 at 5:26 PM (18 years ago) by Matt Freedman

Well, then, better start off this blog with a good post. 😛 Anyhow, this is my blog. You wouldn’t really think that a domain like would be available, but it was. Also, I didn’t have to pay for this domain.

Well, I made a pretty nice layout for this blog. I’ll be tweaking it in the next little while so that it looks perfect.

I’ve also signed up for Technorati and setup WP to ping them when I post, so maybe it’ll bring in a little traffic.

I’ll probably be working on this blog for awhile, and I’ll start posting soon. Thanks.

One Response to “Matt’s Blog”

  1. Dave Frank
    Dave Frank says:

    Welcome to the blogosphere. I am eager to gather up all the pearls of wisdom that drop out of your brain!

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